Our online assessment

Our online assessment is free and confidential, with immediate results.

More than 200,000 Australians have used our assessment to learn more about their symptoms of anxiety and depression, and access clinically-proven treatment options

Key Details

Time to complete

20-30 mins


$0 - Free

What's involved

Questions about your physical and emotional symptoms and how these are impacting your life


For the best experience we recommend using a device no smaller than a tablet for our assessment and treatments

Start your assessment

Why complete an assessment?

Completing an online assessment is an important first step to better understanding your symptoms, and what you can do to manage them going forward. Completing the online assessment will help to determine whether a clinically-proven MindSpot treatment course may be right for you. You can speak with one of our therapists who can recommend a course that meets your needs, or other services that can help, based on your unique symptoms and circumstances.